Monday, May 30, 2011


Well, friends, I'm sure you've been wondering where the heck I've been. I mean, I signed up to run a marathon and then a disappeared, right?

Yeah, well, notsomuch. See, the day after I signed up for the WDW Marathon, I started feeling sick. Rundown, tired, pukey. Just didn't feel right at all. Lo and behold...

I'm pregnant. Yep, knocked up. WHAT A SURPRISE! I signed up for the marathon, FINALLY hit my goal weight and BAM! Pregnant.

Well, that doesn't have to stop me from running, right? Right! But about three days later I was hit with a terrible stomach issue. I was literally homebound for 5 weeks. It was horrible. Turns out I had c.Diff which is some notsogreat intestinal infection. After getting on the right antibiotics for it I FINALLY started to feel better. 

John, Thomas and I took a wonderful trip to Maui for two weeks after that. Thank goodness I was feeling good for it. But still no exercise.

I finally got out last week and walked. Then today I finally jogged. Felt great. I only did 3 miles and I have a feeling I'll be at that distance for a while.

So, I won't be doing the WDW Marathon in 2012 but I WILL be doing it in 2013! This time I'll just be a mother of two!!

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