guys, this is getting a little ridiculous! I was hoping by now to have at least had a 12 mile run and to just maintain my long runs until the Princess Half Marathon. OF COURSE that's not the case! First it's the foot, then my time spent in the ER with balloon hands and feet, and now...rashed foot. What the hell!??
I ran a little this weekend. My foot was still really bothering me. Yesterday John, Thomas, and I went to the Westchester Road Runner Store (well, John sat in the car while Thomas napped). The guys and gals in there were awesome! At first I was nervous that they would take one look at me and be like, "um, yeah, you're so NOT a runner" But I told they guy I needed new shoes, I had a foot injury, my current shoes suck and he was like, "well, when you leave here we will have helped one thing: no more sucky shoes!" haha. He spent a ton of time with me and had me running up and down the sidewalk to see how I felt.
I wound up with the Women's Nike Zoom Vomero+ 5, 8, WHITE/MTLC PLATINUM/MATTE SILVER/UNIVERSITY BLUE. I like them! What I wasn't crazy about was the fact that they were $130. I had a $50 amex card though so that helped the pain a little.
I'm excited to use them and he suggested that I wear them all the time until my injury is better because they have the exact support I need. I had originally gone in thinking I'd buy a pair of running shoes too and he didn't even try to sell me another pair. to me, that's awesome service!
One bad thing (of course) - on my left foot, the injured one, is a HUGE rash that's been there for days. and it's spreading. WTF??? I'm gonna go to the doctor today to see what it's all about. I don't know if it has anything to do with the supposed allergic reaction that landed me in the ER last week. My hands, feet, and knees ballooned up. Even after Benadryl and a Steroid IV the swelling was still very bad. Finally that's gone but now I'm dealing with an itchy rash on my foot that is spreading up my leg.
I just want to get out and run. I want to take my shoes on their first voyage! But instead I need to see if my doctor will take me in today. This is ridiculous. I've been to the doctor more in the last couple of weeks than I have in like 10 years!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
2 miles
2 measly miles.
Took Thomas out in the jogger in hopes of running my normal short run. I tried to tell myself that my first day back running might mean that I could only run like a mile. The foot doctor I saw even told me to start off slow. Still. I wanted to at least do my 3 or 4 miles.
The wind was HOWLING and it was cold. Thomas was cranky and crying in the jogger. And worst of all, my foot hurt. Not like, KILLING me. But it hurt. MOTHER F*****R!!!! POOOO!!!! I ended after 2 miles not only because of the wind and Thomas but because my foot was bothering me and I don't want to screw things up. It's not only my foot but moving up to my leg. Ouch. Wah.
Still, at least I got out and ran. At least I'm back on the mend. Or at least I'm telling myself that. It's cold out now so I'm trying to figure out what to do about running with the little guy.
My cousin is getting married tomorrow and on Sunday I hope to get to the running store and get fitted with a proper running shoe. Praying that helps....
Took Thomas out in the jogger in hopes of running my normal short run. I tried to tell myself that my first day back running might mean that I could only run like a mile. The foot doctor I saw even told me to start off slow. Still. I wanted to at least do my 3 or 4 miles.
The wind was HOWLING and it was cold. Thomas was cranky and crying in the jogger. And worst of all, my foot hurt. Not like, KILLING me. But it hurt. MOTHER F*****R!!!! POOOO!!!! I ended after 2 miles not only because of the wind and Thomas but because my foot was bothering me and I don't want to screw things up. It's not only my foot but moving up to my leg. Ouch. Wah.
Still, at least I got out and ran. At least I'm back on the mend. Or at least I'm telling myself that. It's cold out now so I'm trying to figure out what to do about running with the little guy.
My cousin is getting married tomorrow and on Sunday I hope to get to the running store and get fitted with a proper running shoe. Praying that helps....
Monday, November 15, 2010
Does the universe hate me?
Ok long story short....Friday my finger started swelling. Thought it was a bite or something. Then my hands and my feet and my left knee started to look a little puffy. And I was itchy. Took some Benadryl and went to sleep. Woke up Saturday morning and my hands and feet and knee were huge balloons. My throat felt a little tight too. I drove myself to the ER and wound up there all day. I got an IV of Benadryl and a steroid and the swelling never went down. They even called a rheumatologist down because they thought I might have rheumatoid arthritis. Looks like I don't (thank the LORD!). I went home still puffy. Yesterday I was much better. Today I woke up and my lips and eyes were swollen. I felt ok though.
Fast forward to Mommy & Me and all of a sudden my throat started to feel tight. Considering how swollen my hands had been on Saturday I got scared. My uncle drove me to the ER where I got a shot of Benadryl. I felt better almost immediately. I felt pretty silly for going to the ER for a medicine I had at home but I guess you can't be too cautious when it comes to a possible allergic reaction.
I have no clue what the problem is. Allergy? They don't know. Boo.
Tomorrow I go to the Sports Medicine Foot doctor.
When it rains it pours, right??
Fast forward to Mommy & Me and all of a sudden my throat started to feel tight. Considering how swollen my hands had been on Saturday I got scared. My uncle drove me to the ER where I got a shot of Benadryl. I felt better almost immediately. I felt pretty silly for going to the ER for a medicine I had at home but I guess you can't be too cautious when it comes to a possible allergic reaction.
I have no clue what the problem is. Allergy? They don't know. Boo.
Tomorrow I go to the Sports Medicine Foot doctor.
When it rains it pours, right??
Monday, November 8, 2010
I went to a podiatrist today. Amazingly enough the doctor was able to see me right away. He sent me for an x-ray and even MORE surprising is the fact that the medical imaging place didn't keep me waiting forever! I've waited at that place for hours before when I needed an MRI on my back.
The x-ray didn't show any fractures or anything abnormal (thank GOD!). The doctor suspects I have tendinitis. He gave me a shot of cortisone (ouch!) and then wrapped up my foot. The wrap consists of a pad in my arch and a whole butt-load of tape. I'm not supposed to get it wet which means showering with a trash bag. He said that it might not help the pain right away but probably will soothe it eventually. Thing is, my foot is still killing me. And you're not going to believe it but my other foot is started to ache, this time in the arch.
I think my biggest problem might be the shoes. My doctor said that I'll need some decent running shoes and most likely some orthotics.
I'm really depressed. I finally got into a groove with this running thing and it was quickly becoming an important part of my life. And now I can't run. I can't even hobble. I hope this heals quickly because it just sucks not being able to get out and train for the half marathon. Boo.
The x-ray didn't show any fractures or anything abnormal (thank GOD!). The doctor suspects I have tendinitis. He gave me a shot of cortisone (ouch!) and then wrapped up my foot. The wrap consists of a pad in my arch and a whole butt-load of tape. I'm not supposed to get it wet which means showering with a trash bag. He said that it might not help the pain right away but probably will soothe it eventually. Thing is, my foot is still killing me. And you're not going to believe it but my other foot is started to ache, this time in the arch.
I think my biggest problem might be the shoes. My doctor said that I'll need some decent running shoes and most likely some orthotics.
I'm really depressed. I finally got into a groove with this running thing and it was quickly becoming an important part of my life. And now I can't run. I can't even hobble. I hope this heals quickly because it just sucks not being able to get out and train for the half marathon. Boo.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
This is BAD
This is very, very bad. I took close to a week off from running to not only rest my foot but to recover from another bout of strep throat. I decided I felt well enough to head out this morning. I told myself I'd do a short run. I managed to do 4.1 miles and my foot is KILLING me. Like, really really really hurting. $HIT!!! I went online to look for a doctor. I don't know what to do or who to see. Do I go to a podiatrist? And of course I can't find anything on I'm going to call their service to look for a sports medicine person I guess.
I'm so pissed. And depressed. WTF am I going to do?? I guess I can do the elliptical to try to keep up with my exercise. BUT I WANT TO RUN! Ok, I don't WANT to run but you know what I mean.
This really f'ing sucks. Also, if this foot this is like a major problem, how the heck am I supposed to care for a little boy? Oh and not to mention our upcoming trip to Disney...
I'm so pissed. And depressed. WTF am I going to do?? I guess I can do the elliptical to try to keep up with my exercise. BUT I WANT TO RUN! Ok, I don't WANT to run but you know what I mean.
This really f'ing sucks. Also, if this foot this is like a major problem, how the heck am I supposed to care for a little boy? Oh and not to mention our upcoming trip to Disney...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Some catching up
Well, this is one of those good news/bad news posts.
Good news is that yesterday I went out for a short run. I didn't want to do anything crazy, just wanted to ease the foot back into running after having hurt for a while. Plus, I didn't have a ton of time because yesterday was my first day running the Mommy & Me class at the school by myself. I usually have a co-leader on Mon, Wed, and Thurs but the Tues class it just me. So I wanted to make sure I got there early enough to set up everything. The run felt good. It was COLD though. I had Thomas bundled pretty well but I didn't put gloves on him. That was bad. His poor hands were pink! I am thinking about buying this
It's a bit pricey but considering I'll be using it 2-3x week I think it'd be worth it. Anyone have experience with this?
The foot felt good and even throughout the day it continued to feel good. The tiniest bit sore but really nothing to complain about. I only wound up running 2.8 miles though but hey, it's something.
The bad news now? I'm sick as a dog. Rest assured that when it starts to get cold out, I will get strep throat. Every. Single. Year. I'm going to have to call the doctor today to run in and get the strep test and a script for antibiotics. It's come to the point where I know I have it! Wah! And of course John is in San Diego til Saturday so I don't even have him to complain to!
I haven't talked Disney lately so let's..ok? It looks like I'll be taking Thomas on my own the second week in December. John's not comfortable taking off so soon after starting his new job, especially when we are going again in January. I really don't want to give up that vacation (we'd be losing the DVC points). Since I'm with my boy all day, I really don't think taking him on my own would be a problem. Sure, the bus situation might be a little tough but he's still little enough that I can stick him in a baby carrier while i wield the stroller. Let's just pray for little to no meltdowns!
And because we're all Mickey-obsessed here, I'm sure you can guess what the little guy was for Halloween!
Of COURSE he was Mickey!! He wasn't thrilled about the hat but was a good sport about it. Also I think it helped that it was a little chilly and that hat was warm!
So, until I feel better I'm going to take a break from running. I was feeling sick yesterday when I ran and although the foot felt ok, my chest was wheezing and now I'm even worse. I'll give myself a nice rest and then pound the pavement as soon as I'm better :)
Good news is that yesterday I went out for a short run. I didn't want to do anything crazy, just wanted to ease the foot back into running after having hurt for a while. Plus, I didn't have a ton of time because yesterday was my first day running the Mommy & Me class at the school by myself. I usually have a co-leader on Mon, Wed, and Thurs but the Tues class it just me. So I wanted to make sure I got there early enough to set up everything. The run felt good. It was COLD though. I had Thomas bundled pretty well but I didn't put gloves on him. That was bad. His poor hands were pink! I am thinking about buying this
It's a bit pricey but considering I'll be using it 2-3x week I think it'd be worth it. Anyone have experience with this?
The foot felt good and even throughout the day it continued to feel good. The tiniest bit sore but really nothing to complain about. I only wound up running 2.8 miles though but hey, it's something.
The bad news now? I'm sick as a dog. Rest assured that when it starts to get cold out, I will get strep throat. Every. Single. Year. I'm going to have to call the doctor today to run in and get the strep test and a script for antibiotics. It's come to the point where I know I have it! Wah! And of course John is in San Diego til Saturday so I don't even have him to complain to!
I haven't talked Disney lately so let's..ok? It looks like I'll be taking Thomas on my own the second week in December. John's not comfortable taking off so soon after starting his new job, especially when we are going again in January. I really don't want to give up that vacation (we'd be losing the DVC points). Since I'm with my boy all day, I really don't think taking him on my own would be a problem. Sure, the bus situation might be a little tough but he's still little enough that I can stick him in a baby carrier while i wield the stroller. Let's just pray for little to no meltdowns!
And because we're all Mickey-obsessed here, I'm sure you can guess what the little guy was for Halloween!
Of COURSE he was Mickey!! He wasn't thrilled about the hat but was a good sport about it. Also I think it helped that it was a little chilly and that hat was warm!
So, until I feel better I'm going to take a break from running. I was feeling sick yesterday when I ran and although the foot felt ok, my chest was wheezing and now I'm even worse. I'll give myself a nice rest and then pound the pavement as soon as I'm better :)
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