Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Some catching up

Well, this is one of those good news/bad news posts.

Good news is that yesterday I went out for a short run. I didn't want to do anything crazy, just wanted to ease the foot back into running after having hurt for a while. Plus, I didn't have a ton of time because yesterday was my first day running the Mommy & Me class at the school by myself. I usually have a co-leader on Mon, Wed, and Thurs but the Tues class it just me. So I wanted to make sure I got there early enough to set up everything. The run felt good. It was COLD though. I had Thomas bundled pretty well but I didn't put gloves on him. That was bad. His poor hands were pink! I am thinking about buying this

It's a bit pricey but considering I'll be using it 2-3x week I think it'd be worth it. Anyone have experience with this?

The foot felt good and even throughout the day it continued to feel good. The tiniest bit sore but really nothing to complain about. I only wound up running 2.8 miles though but hey, it's something.

The bad news now? I'm sick as a dog. Rest assured that when it starts to get cold out, I will get strep throat. Every. Single. Year. I'm going to have to call the doctor today to run in and get the strep test and a script for antibiotics. It's come to the point where I know I have it! Wah! And of course John is in San Diego til Saturday so I don't even have him to complain to!

I haven't talked Disney lately so let's..ok? It looks like I'll be taking Thomas on my own the second week in December. John's not comfortable taking off so soon after starting his new job, especially when we are going again in January. I really don't want to give up that vacation (we'd be losing the DVC points). Since I'm with my boy all day, I really don't think taking him on my own would be a problem. Sure, the bus situation might be a little tough but he's still little enough that I can stick him in a baby carrier while i wield the stroller. Let's just pray for little to no meltdowns!

And because we're all Mickey-obsessed here, I'm sure you can guess what the little guy was for Halloween!

Of COURSE he was Mickey!! He wasn't thrilled about the hat but was a good sport about it. Also I think it helped that it was a little chilly and that hat was warm!

So, until I feel better I'm going to take a break from running.  I was feeling sick yesterday when I ran and although the foot felt ok, my chest was wheezing and now I'm even worse. I'll give myself a nice rest and then pound the pavement as soon as I'm better :)

1 comment:

  1. Get well soon Nancy! Way to go on running too...even with strep.
