Tuesday, February 8, 2011

good LORD it's cold!

This morning it wasn't that cold. In fact, when I put Thomas down for a nap it was probably in the mid to high 30s (sad that that's what I consider not cold nowadays). My friend's daughter came over after school to watch Thomas so I could get out and run. Before she came I ran outside (you have to go outside my house to get to my basement) to do some laundry and the wind was howling and COLD! Gah! Why couldn't it have stayed warmer just little bit longer??

I headed out and it was really cold and windy.  By the time I was under the Throgs Neck Bridge over at Maritime it was FREEZING! The wind was gusting so strongly that I was practically sprinting against the wind and going absolutely nowhere. Doing three laps of that SUCKED! But hey, it's done.

But was REALLY pissed me off was my iMapMyRun app decided to crap out on me. I use it to time myself and figure out how far I ran. I got back to my house and hit Save to stop the run and it said I only ran .8 miles. WHAT?? Nope, sorry, I did more than that!

Workout: ~4 miles
Times:~45 minutes
Next up: Need to get another 4 miler in sometime this week. Looking at the schedule, I might not be able to do it until Friday
Next long run: Sunday 8 miles. Be there or be square.

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